Ethical problems in food PR

In my desired field of food and health PR, a main ethical issue that has come about in the past is incorrect framing of the message. PR practitioners generally face pressure from their employers to always shed a positive light on their product or service. However, it is important that all public relations officials provide the consumers with all necessary information and support the well being of the population.

My desired field of study in public relations. Photo credit: @FoodPRie Twitter account

Food PR problem of the past

In terms of food public relations, an issue about framing the message came about recently in terms of unhealthy food. In particular, it was mostly concerned with fast food. PR practitioners became so concerned with supporting the product and keeping their client satisfied that they failed to support the population’s health.

Although all fast food is generally unhealthy, PR officials can still support the products in a safe manner. They should have been encouraging consumption of the food, but not over consumption. Instead, they focused on the following set of PR strategies:


  1. That choice of food is about personal responsibility and freedom, and government regulation is antithetical to freedom
  2. Suggestions that studies regarding the effect of the junk food industry are “junk science”
  3. Indicating that people should exercise rather than diet
  4. Suggesting that there is no such thing as good food or bad food: it’s all about balance.

Applying my values

In terms of my credo and values, I would avoid this issue by presenting the public with the truth. I think that public relations officials should always work in favor of the public instead of focusing on success. Although an essential part of public relations is supporting the product or service they work for, individuals should always be honest and tell the audience how to utilize the product to actually benefit themselves.

In terms of this situation, I would have used my PR talent to support the fast food chain, but made sure to inform the public that they should purchase it, but only in moderation. This would allow the consumer to trust me and the company as a whole.

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